Brookfield Bulldogs

Regular Season Stats (Leaders) - 2018

All | Regular Season | Other
All | League | Non-League
Note: A minimum of 1 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
Batting Average AVG
Tiny lueck
Jeff Lueck
1. Jeff Lueck 1.000
2. Scott Booth .556
3. Josh Lemke .500
4. Parker Sniatynski .455
5. Mike Jacobs .400
On-Base Percentage OBP
Tiny lueck
Jeff Lueck
1. Jeff Lueck 1.000
2. Josh Lemke .667
3. Scott Booth .545
4. Parker Sniatynski .538
5. Bill Gorman .455
Slugging Percentage SLG
Tiny lueck
Jeff Lueck
1. Jeff Lueck 1.000
2. Parker Sniatynski .818
3. Scott Booth .667
4. Josh Lemke .500
5. Mike Jacobs .400
On-Base plus Slugging Percentage OPS
Tiny lueck
Jeff Lueck
1. Jeff Lueck 2.000
2. Parker Sniatynski 1.357
3. Scott Booth 1.212
4. Josh Lemke 1.167
5. Mike Jacobs .800
Note: A minimum of 1 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
Earned Run Average ERA
Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched WHIP
Tiny lemke
Josh Lemke
1. Josh Lemke 1.00
2. Greg Basthemer 1.15
3. Matt Ausloos 2.43
4. Parker Sniatynski 5.00
5. Mike Mierow 6.00